Study a few hours of Technician License radio topics with our quality course:
Complete our online Technician License Course, or use our study guide and web materials.
Take each of our online section quizzes to reinforce your learning from each section.
Explore our optional learning media supplements for each section -- video, audio, articles, links.
Take our online practice exams to test your readiness for the real thing.
Take a 35-question, multiple choice license exam:
Find an exam session in your local area: Search for exam sessions here.
Correctly answer at least 26 of 35 multiple choice questions (74% score or better).​
Complete your FCC registration fee:
After the exam, receive an email from the FCC with online payment instructions.
Submit your $35 fee payment online to the FCC.
Look up your license and call sign when it appears in the FCC online database! (Typically, within 24 hours following completion of the fee payment.)
3 Steps to Get Your Ham Radio License:
You can get started earning your ham radio license today!
Getting Started in Ham Radio

Try Before You Buy! Free!
Try the first two chapters of our online Technician License Course 2022-2026. FREE! Click the 'Try before you buy' button, select the Technician License Course, and then click the "Free Preview" option to sign up.
The free preview includes our ebook sections, video instruction, review summaries, quizzes, depth option media, and more.
If you like what you see and learn, you will love the rest of the course.
Learn more about our online course.
Get more introductory details about ham radio in these recommended articles and in the FAQs below:
Still Got Questions?
Drop us a note at the Contact Us page. We'll be happy to answer your questions and help you get started on the path to license exam success!