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Technician License Learning Supplements

These articles, media, and external web links are organized section-by-section with the Technician License Course to provide depth of learning in section topics. Peruse these items after completing a section to enhance your understanding. The Technician section quizzes (2022-2026) are also linked here for convenience.
Ø: Before We Begin...
1: Operating Your Radio
1.1 Transceiver Basics
1.2 Ham Communication Basics
1.3 Repeater Basics
2: FCC Rules & Regs
2.1 The FCC and You
2.2 Controlling Your Station
2.3 Call Signs
2.4 Talking to the World
7: Antennas
7.1 Antenna Basics
Quiz 7.1 (2022-2026)
What Kind of Antenna Will I need?
VHF/UHF Antenna for Home?
How Many Antennas Do I Need?
Antenna Gain: dBi vs. dBd
Your First Dipole Antenna (HF)
A Simple View of Resonance
7.2 Standing Wave Radio (SWR)
Quiz 7.3 (2022-2026)
Coaxial Losses (T9B05)
What's That HT Connector?
What Coaxial Cable Should I Use?
7.3 Coax and Connectors
4: Wavelength, Frequency, & Bands
4.1 Wavelength & Frequency
4.2 Bands & Band Plans
8: It's Electric
8.1 Electric Basics
8.2 Ohm's Law & Power Law
8.3 Electrical Measurements
9: Hamtronics
9.1 Electronic Basics
Quiz 9.1 (2022-2026)
Inductors (T6A06)
Capacitors Explained (Vid Link)
Series & Parallel Calculations
Series Circuits (Vid Link)
Parallel Circuits (Vid Link)
Quiz 9.2 (2022-2026)
Transistors Explained (Vid Link)
Test Figure T-1 Questions
Transformers (Vid Link)
Soldering with WØJAK (video)
9.2 Transistors & More
13: Safety
13.1 Electric Safety
13.2 Antenna & Tower Safety
13.3 RF Exposure Safety
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